NOTE: The Persian breed is divided into seven separate divisions: solid, silver/golden, smoke/shaded, tabby, parti-color, calico/bi-color and himalayan
(see current show rules for colors). Each division will be considered a separate breed. The basic application fee includes membership in one division.
1. Please enroll me in the (Breed): _____________________________________________ Breed Council/Committee. If Persian, state Division.
2. Your registered cattery name: ______________________________________________________ Cattery number: ____________________
3. Litter Numbers: _____________________________, _________________________________, _________________________________.
COMPLETE EITHER ITEM 4 OR 5a, 5b and 5c.
4. If applicable, enter registration number of a Grand Champion or Grand Premier of your
breeding of the breed/division indicated above. OR
5a. Enter registration number for a litter of your breeding of the breed/division indicated
above which you have registered since January 1, 2009 (1/1/2010 for breed committees).
5b. If you are enrolled in a Persian division, enter registration number for a cat of your breeding
whose color is included in the division indicated above, and whose registration was
processed after January 1, 2009.
5c. Enter registration number and name of a cat/kitten/altered cat of the breed/division indicated
above owned or leased by yourself which you have exhibited* since January 1,
2009 (1/1/2010 for breed committees). Use 5c. section below to provide cat’s name and
show info. *The CFA Board ruled that “exhibited” means physically attending and competing
at a cat show.
4. ___________________________________
5a. ___________________________________
5b. ___________________________________
5c. ___________________________________
5c (continued). Cat’s Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Show:_________________________________________________________________ Date of Show: __________________________
6. I certify I am 18 years of age or older and the information provided on this application is true and correct.
Signature:_____________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________
Please enclose the $25.00 MEMBERSHIP FEE for the first breed or Persian division, plus $10.00 for each additional breed/division. A separate form
must be submitted for each breed/division. Forms that are incomplete or contain inaccurate information will be returned. Membership benefit: Current
breed council/committee members are automatically included in the Online Almanac White Pages Directory. If you do not want to be included be sure
to check the box below. REFERRAL SERVICE - Sign up for the on-line Cat Breeder Referral Service (CBRS) at Breed Council Members receive a $10 discount.
ЈDo NOT include me in the Online Almanac White Pages.
Membership runs from January 1 to December 31. Applications will not be accepted after August 1. Show Rules and Show Standards for membership
breed(s) – will be mailed in April. Membership lists are updated as applications are processed at Click
on the appropriate breed list.
Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
State/ Zip/Postal
City___________________________________________ Province __________________________ Code ___________________
Phone w/area code: _____________________________ Email Address: ________________________________________________
**** DEADLINE for receipt of applications: August 1, 2011 ****
Send to: CFA BREED COUNCIL, 1805 Atlantic Avenue, Manasquan NJ 08736-1003. Phone: 732-528-9797
Cat Registration Number
Three required. Litters of breed/division entered in item 1.
Litter Registration Number
Cat Registration # - For Persian ONLY
Cat Registration Number – Complete 5C Below Also
Membership is limited to individuals who:
• Have a CFA registered cattery name;
• Are at least 18 years of age or older;
• Have bred and registered with CFA at least
three litters of the appropriate breed/division.
A litter which has been reregistered to add an
individual(s) as an additional breeder(s) of the
litter may not be used to qualify the additional
• Are not a judge or an officer of another cat
registering association.
And, in addition, have either:
Bred at least one CFA Grand Champion or
Grand Premier of the appropriate breed/division;
OR registered one litter of the appropriate
breed/division within the previous two calendar
years, since January 1, 2009. One year for
breed committee members (1/1/10); AND
Exhibited a cat/kitten owned or leased by the
applicant of the appropriate breed/division at a
CFA show within the previous two calendar
years, since January 1, 2009. One year for
breed committee members (1/1/10).
CFA Breed Council/Committee Members may
choose to reduce the amount of duplicate and/or
unwanted items received in their household by
selecting one of the options (A or B) listed. The
regular membership packet includes: the show
standard for every CFA breed, CFA show rules
and rules for registration. A member can choose
to NOT receive the complete set of standards
(option A) or to NOT receive ANY of the materials
listed, e.g. another household member already
receives membership materials (option B). Please
check the appropriate box if any of the materials
listed are redundant or unneeded. If neither box is
checked, you will receive the complete packet of
membership materials.
Option A ЈDo NOT send the standards for
every breed (you will receive the standard for
the individual breed(s) you are joining).
Option B ЈDo NOT send ANY of the materials/
mailings (you will receive a membership card
confirming your breed council membership).
All requested information below (#1, 2, 3, 4, 5a, 5b, 5c and 6) MUST be completed by the APPLICANT.
CFA 2010© - 1000/012-10
The Cat Fanciers’ Association, Inc.
2011 Breed Council/Committee* Membership Application©
*Committee Membership is limited to breeds in the Miscellaneous & Provisional Categories.
Membership Year: 1/1/2011-12/31/2011. A separate application must be submitted for EACH breed/division.
DEADLINE for receipt of applications: August 1, 2011